atavarian species art


The species that initiated first contact with Humans, Atavarians are between eight and seven feet tall with two sets of horns at their hairline and varying shades of red skin. They also have black eyes and sharp incisors that they once used to drink blood from those they conquered and subjugated.

They are a touch telepathy species, able to form strong mental bonds with others. Approximately a thousand years prior, they had a cultural revolution sparked by those they now call Enlightened Ones. This caused the once blood thirsty species to reject their extremely strong emotional and primal urges in favor of logic. Strict control of emotions and their touch telepathy has formed a culture that is known for their wisdom and diplomatic skills. They are essentially vegan, consuming synthetic blood and shunning any food sourced from a living creature.


Known as a jovial and lusty species, Zorestrans are characterized by their very tall, blue skinned bodies, white hair and large horns of varying length, curvature and color ranging from light brown all the way to charcoal gray.

They are a fairly recent addition to the Galactic Union within the last sixty years but very quickly inserted themselves into every tier of the government and the Galactic Exploration Corps. They put a great emphasis on family and ancestor worship and have a deep spiritual connection to their home world, Zores. Mixed species marriages are welcomed and even encouraged as long as the traditions of Zores are maintained and passed on.

zorestra species art
atavarian species art


Refugees of a home world decimated by the ruthless K’Tavi, the few surviving Boethelians have preferred refugee status in the Galactic Union and are protected as citizens. Their height ranges from five feet to a towering eight feet, their skin is dark green with white hair. Those that were part of their religious orders have gold tattooing on different parts of their bodies. They were a primarily peaceful species that kept to themselves, worshiping a Triune Goddess named Amouna and her consort Tamryn.


Tradition, love of empire, and loyalty are hallmarks of this species that prides itself on the beauty of their planet and technology. Ruled by a very old dynasty that is matrilineal, Talosians are also much taller than humans, some reaching nearly nine feet tall. They have golden skin that is accented with bronze colored scaling that runs over their backs, arms, shoulders and up the sides of their faces. One of the earliest aliens to join the Galactic Union, they are also a very proud species that has a history of conquest. They are also a strongly polyamorous society. In one family unit there can be up to eight committed adults at any given time.

zorestra species art