Early Releases

Romance Goodies

 Early Release Ebooks

Special Edition Ebooks available for a LIMITED TIME. These editions will include NSFW art work, annotations by me, song list and digital signature unless otherwise stated in the product description.

You can preorder either the regular or special edition newest releases in ebook format and get them two weeks before those who order through Amazon.

(Delivery via Book Funnel.)

Read below to find out why buying direct is a great way to support your local smut peddler.


Why buy direct?

The TL;DR is that it supports me in a better way than buying from Amazon or reading in KU. If you want the math breakdown, keep reading.

As of this writing, I get paid around $0.00446 per what the Zon considers a page when someone reads my book in KU. This amount changes every month depending on how many subscribers there are in KU. For example, if book of mine is 350 pages, I make $1.56 if the entire book is read. And that’s only for the first time a reader uses KU to read my book. A second or third read is essentially free for the reader, I don’t get any revenue.

If you purchased the ebook instead, Amazon takes 30% of my sell price for themselves, leaving me with 3.49

It can take around $750 to $1000 with editing and cover art to produce a book.

And I don’t think I need to tell you that 1.56 needs to add up A LOT to cover that and start earning me an actual profit.

So when you preorder direct from me or buy a print copy direct, 100% of that goes to me not Bezos, and helps me to keep writing the books you love.