Amateur Night: A Monsters & Artifacts Short Story

Chapter One


“Brunch? What are you some hipster now?”

I chuckled as I drank a nice scotch and read the text Lily had just sent me. She was one of my oldest friends though I hadn’t seen her in over a year. Her job as a consultant took her all over the world and she was rarely in town these days. But on the rare occasions she was, Lily always contacted me. This time was no different, and I was grinning like a fool in anticipation of seeing her.

It had been a relief to get her text, honestly. Last time we’d seen one another, we had a terrible fight, very unusual for us. Or at least it used to be.

Lily didn’t know I was an Ephemeral, or that I was the son of one the head of one the oldest and most revered crime families in America.

To her I was just Drake, a little spoiled and a whole lot rakish. She’d give me shit about how many people I’d slept with while I ribbed her about being prudish. She drank fruity cocktails with outlandish names, while I was ‘boring’ and preferred a nice predictable scotch or dry martini. And always, always we defended one another to the end and were there for every single celebration and heart break.

Well, maybe she wasn’t there for mine because Lily couldn’t really know all of me.

And that had caused more than a little friction as we’d gotten older. The last few times we’d seen each other, the distance had felt acute, and that scared the shit out of me. I was a selfish bastard by nature, and Lily was definitely something I planned on keeping a hold of no matter what it cost me. The trouble was, Lily wasn’t stupid. She knew I was holding something back. And while I’d been tempted plenty to admit the truth, I could never seem to find the right words to express it. What if she never looked at me the same again? What if I scared her off? Not just because I was in a very old, very powerful crime family. Honestly, that was pretty damn normal compared to blood red skin, horns and black eyes.

Oh yeah, and a tail, the ability to turn into smoke and hypnotize people.

And the blood drinking.

I grit my teeth, sharp incisors digging into my bottom lip, and shook my head at the impossible fucking situation.

Lily wasn’t the delicate flower her name suggested, but I’d lost more than one friend and lover when they’d seen what was beneath the glamour that enabled me to appear Human, or Mundane as we called them. And while it had hurt to be rejected, I’d gotten over it. If I lost Lily, though, I wasn’t sure I’d ever survive that.

Even with the things I held back, she was the one person on this miserable planet that truly knew me.

I sighed as I typed a response, determined to not let these worries take away the pleasure of her company.

“I have a work event tonight and I’ll be out late. Hence brunch.”

“What kind of work event could an investment banker have that goes late? Doesn’t everyone in your line of work go to bed by ten?”

“She’s such a smart ass,” I murmured, dragging my tongue over my fangs as I considered how to explain what I was doing tonight.

My acquisition of the Swords and Hearts club was fairly recent. It was one of the few businesses I owned that had nothing to do with my father’s holdings on the west coast, which I oversaw. Lily was aware of my BDSM practices, and I felt tempted to confess that my event had a connection to the club, but my fingers hesitated over the screen. I wanted to see her face when I told her about this place, maybe bring her here in off hours, show it off a little. Lily could hide nothing from me. If I saw her face, I’d see what she thought about all this and then if that didn’t bother her, maybe she’d accept my true face as well.

“I’ll explain tomorrow.”

I finally replied.

“Ooooh cryptic. Alright, keep your secret. I’ll see you at eleven tomorrow.”

My stomach clenched at that comment.

“Keep your secret…” I repeated and set the phone down. “So she’s still pissed about last time.”

I ran a hand down my face and sighed. Eventually, I’d have to decide to tell her. It wasn’t right to keep this from her as long as I had.

Maybe over brunch…maybe…

“What’s got you so grumpy? It’s downright terrifying,” said my co-owner in the club, a tall Gryphon by the name of Sapphire.

“Nothing,” I said, stuffing the phone in my pocket.

“Uh-huh, no phones on the floor.”

I sighed and locked it in my private safe. It was one of the first rules we’d implemented when I’d bought out their former partner, a cop who now lived in New York. The club was pretty well managed when I came on, but Sapphire and I had both agreed that a few adjustments were in order.

We over hauled the rules, updated some of the decor and hired some new staff. We also decided to do theme nights, which I’d rolled my eyes at initially until I saw the first few months of revenue for those events. It was very popular, to say the least. So when Sapphire had suggested we do an amateur night every month for those new to BDSM I had agreed.

Tonight was our third one and from the roster of those who’d signed up, we’d have a full house.

“Is that what you’re wearing?” they asked, golden eyes surveying my outfit.

“Not exactly,” I shed the black hoodie to reveal the plain black pants with a hole in the back for my tail.

“What, no whip?”

“Don’t want to scare the newbies.”

Sapphire arched an eyebrow.

“You’re taking part tonight?”

While I could’ve since we’d made a rule that only experienced Doms and subs that we trusted were allowed to bring guests and participate in the evening, I had decided to pass.

“No, but I’ll be on the floor making sure everything is going well.”

Sapphire’s expression turned from playful to concerned.

“What?” I asked, unable to keep the defensiveness from my voice.

“You haven’t had a partner in…well, months. It’s not like you.”

“Just because I don’t want to train a new sub–“

“There are plenty of subs that know you. That’s not it.”

“And it’s newcomer night. Most aren’t exactly comfortable around Ephemerals.”

“That still doesn’t explain–“

“I just…” I let out a long breath and steadied my voice. “I’m just not interested right now, okay? Why all the sudden concern for my cock?”

“It’s not your dick I’m worried about,” Sapphire admitted. “You’ve been short-tempered lately, and coming in late. You’ve got dark circles under your eyes and you’ve lost weight.”

“I’ve been busy.”

“If I didn’t know any better– “

“You don’t.”

“– I’d say you’re in love.”

I startled at that, because it was the most absurd theory I’d ever heard. I’d never come close to that particular affliction, and I never planned to. My world was dangerous enough for me. I would never subject a female and children to it, much to the consternation of my father.

Still, their words irritated me oddly that I didn’t have the time to examine and my voice was snappish when I answered them.

“I’m running two businesses, one of which is vast and complicated. I don’t have time to take a piss, much less fall in love. So your assumptions are wrong. Now, can we get to the floor? The doors should’ve opened half an hour ago.”

Sapphire gave me one more long look, which from a Gryphon felt like someone was dissecting your soul. I held their gaze as long as I could and broke it off before they did, snatching the domino mask from the table by the office door on my way out.

We’d agreed that these nights should be anonymous to make the newcomers feel more comfortable playing. We also allowed aliases, although for legal reasons Sapphire and I needed to know the legal names of everyone involved so they could run background checks. I handled the theme for the night, the costumes of the servers, and the Doms and subs that would help with special demonstrations. I also oversaw the security teams for these nights, since Sapphire insisted that being at the bar was the best place to supervise their part of the floor. Sapphire handled all the paperwork and other logistics that made me want to poke my eyes out with needles.

When we descended the stairs from the office, which was at the furthest side of the west wing of the vast house that comprised the club, Sapphire turned to me with an annoyed look from behind their mask.

“Heaven and Hell? Really?”

“What?” I asked with a grin.

“It’s cliche.”

“It’s sexy, and yes cliche, but newbies tend to like that. They’re not jaded like the two of us.”

Sapphire snorted.

“Speak for yourself, Satan.”

I chuckled and did an elaborate bow.

Ephemerals were often mistaken for old time demons and I, being a bit of an attention whore, never minded playing that up a bit when it suited me.

My mask for tonight was black with red crystals encrusted on it, which would highlight the dark of my eyes. I had also bought a cane with a pitchfork on the top, covered in orange and red crystals that looked like flames in the right light. I activated a special sub glamour I had purchased for the night, which gave my red skin the appearance of being lightly covered in gold powder. All of it was simple but effective if the lust filled looks from some of the amateurs were any sign.

“You’re going to break their hearts,” Sapphire said with a wicked grin. “You sure you don’t want to play tonight? A newcomer might be just what you need.”

“I’m sure,” I said, a little harsher than I intended. Then, with an apologetic smile, “Thank you for being concerned. I’m alright.”

Sapphire gave me a nod and when to the bar to applause from their admirers who had been waiting for the Gryphon to show up and start mixing cocktails.

I was used to the feel of eyes on me, especially here. Some of the Doms nodded greetings at me. I checked in with some of the staff, making sure all the safety protocols were being followed. The music and lights were perfect for the night, the feel of anticipation thick in the air. But none of it touched me.

I was as bored tonight as I had been for months, and I had no idea why. Nothing seemed to stir me to passion, not even the invitation of a few exquisite men and women bent over benches or tied to Saint Andrew’s Crosses. There was one that crawled to me where I sat on a tall chair at the back of the room and I dismissed them with barely a flick of my fingers.

It was a few hours into the night, and the paperwork waiting for me at the office was looking far more interesting than anything happening on the floor at the moment.

Maybe I’ll see what Lily is doing.

Just the thought of her brought a smile to my lips. I was suddenly wishing the night would pass quickly so I could hear her voice, feel the light of her smile.

It was then that something stirred in the air around me, like the call of a siren. I looked up, and there she was.

Dressed in criss-crossed ribbons of white over practically sheer layers of satin, a white feathered mask over dark skin dusted with silver powder. Her lips were a chaste pink, short legs clad in thigh-high stockings held in place by silver and white garters that glinted in the low light. She was being led around by a Dom I knew well, and a swell of jealousy lit me up from the inside.

This little angel was mine. I didn’t know how I knew this, but I did, as sure as I did my own name.

I sprang up from my seat and the crowd parted before me as I made my way to the woman. Her plump lips were parted, brown eyes wide behind her mask as she took in the room. And then they met mine and a jolt of heat lanced through me, coalescing in my dick.

“Well, my lord,” said the Dom, a tall Werewolf by the name of Cindy.

No one ever addressed me by any other name here, and I nodded in greeting.

“This is my friend Aida,” Cindy continued.

“Is she yours for the night?” I asked, surprised at how rough my voice was.

“No, I am merely her escort.”

I picked up Aida’s hand and saw the green and gold bracelet on her wrist, indicating she was a sub and new at this. My lips brushed her knuckles, never taking my eyes off her. Her skin smelled of vanilla and coconut, as well as undertones of something else I couldn’t place, though it was familiar.

“Well then,” I whispered, “perhaps she’d consider being my companion for the night.”

Aida’s breath caught, and she nodded.

“Words little dove.”

“Yes,” she breathed, a beautifully low voice caressing my ears.

“Then I will leave you in his capable hands,” Cindy said with a grin before sauntering off.

“May I see your card?” I asked.

Attached to the bracelet was a card outlining what she was willing to do, what her safe word was, and her experience or lack thereof.


I perused it and while the list of things she was curious about and willing to do was woefully short, it was enough to make my dick even harder. She was a true amateur, and this world that had become dull to me was fresh and exciting to her. I could see it in the way she breathed, the gleam in her eyes.

And I would be the one to open the door for her, to show her around this dark, carnal kingdom.

“You want to watch,” I whispered as I walked slowly around her.


“Address me as Master.”

“Yes, Master.”

“And you want to be touched while we watch?”


“And if I ask you to suck my cock in front of others?”

“I-I would like that, I think.”

“You would,” I crooned, coming around to stand in front of her again. “And tell me, do you wish to be played with where others can watch? Do you want me to part your pussy and let them see how wet you are? Hear the squish of my fingers as I fuck your wet, tight hole slowly until you scream?”

She whimpered, thighs squeezing tight, and I took a deep inhale of the sweetest, most pungent pussy I’d smelled in a very long time.

“Words little dove.”

“Yes,” the word came out on a whoosh of breath, “I would like that very much…Master.”

“Gods below, you are a gift,” I growled at her. “Come, we will find something to entertain you.”

I took her by the hand and made my way to one of the private rooms with a viewing window, saying a silent prayer to the lower gods that there was one free. I wanted to see what this lush little dove would be like once the curtain was opened, without having to wait.

It was a medium-sized room with a few spanking implements, lube, bondage cuffs, a spanking bench, a large leather chair and a wall at the far end that was made of glass. A curtain was drawn behind it where a couple had been notified the moment we closed the door and were now preparing to put on a little show for us.

A thick black carpet covered the floor, and the walls were a deep, blood red, completely sound proof. A small camera was in the corner for security in case anyone got out of hand.

“Kneel on the cushion,” I said, pointing at the one at my feet, “knees apart, hands on your thighs. No touching of yourself unless I tell you.”

The little dove did as she was told straight away, and I let my fingers slide up and down her bare spine. She shivered under my touch and I chuckled.

“So sensitive. This will be interesting. You know the colors?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Recite it to me.”

“Green means keep going, yellow means slow down and red means stop, full stop.”

“Yes. If you say red, we stop completely, no more playing. Yellow is a pause. I will check in with you, make sure you’re alright. At any time, and I do mean any time at all, you may say red and I will cease. I too have this ability, so if I see you pushing yourself too hard, or if it is too much for me for any reason, I too may stop the session. Is all that clear, my dove?”


I turned her by the chin to look back at me. Her dark gaze was so innocent yet alluring, an angel indeed sent to tempt this devil.

“I want to make you feel good, and I need your trust, though we’ve just met. I will reward obedience, and I aim to dominate you. Disobedience will be punished. You listed spanking…”

“I did.”

“I will use my hand on your bare bottom if you disobey. If you obey me enough, if you are a good little dove, I will give you as many orgasms as you want with my fingers, my tongue.”

“Your cock?”

The member stirred, and I had to bite back a groan at the thought of slowly parting her pussy with my dick, watching it dip in and out of her body. I never had vaginal intercourse on the first time with a new sub, but this little one was certainly tempting me to break that old rule. To take the edge off, I decided that her mouth would be acceptable.

“Not in your cunt, but perhaps in your mouth. Will that satisfy you, my hungry angel?”

Her gaze darted down to the tent in my pants and her little tongue darted out to wet her full lips.

“Yes, Master,” her voice was as ravenous as her gaze.

I wondered how long I’d be able to wait to get her wet mouth around me. I swallowed and took a firm hand with my base desires. I wasn’t a fresh faced Dom who couldn’t hold his load. I’d been doing this for too long to give in before my little dove had experienced her fill.

I hoped.

“Turn around.” My voice was hard and her pupils widened, startled at the harshness. “The show is about to begin.”

Chapter Two


What the hell was happening?

I had expected attention, expected beautiful supernaturals to come up to me, want to be with me. But never, in my wildest dreams had I expected this male to take an interest in me, much less be about to make one of my filthiest dreams come true.

And I had also expected to be far more nervous that I was.

Don’t get me wrong, I was nervous. Butterflies the size of puppies were currently dive bombing in my gut.

But I wasn’t afraid. If anything, I was trembling with anticipation.

This Dom was gorgeous and looked like every demon fantasy I’d ever had. His beautiful red skin, his dusky voice that felt like sin and chocolate on my soul. The way he looked at me behind his mask, like I was the most beautiful feast he’d ever laid eyes on. I wanted him to devour me, to use me and take all the ‘proper good girl’ pressure off.

I was so damn tired of following the rules, of being what everyone expected. I longed to let someone else take the reins, decide what happened next, and not look down on me for the things I craved. And as long as I could remember, from the time I’d discovered what that little button between my legs could do, I’d wanted this.

To be ruled and ruined.

Now, this powerful male had me at his feet, his finger tips skating up and down my bare spine as the curtain in front of me parted to reveal three mesmerizing individuals on the other side.

One was a huge Gargoyle, his thick cock standing proudly, a honey like substance dripping off the small protrusion at the base as a human woman licked it greedily off him.

The third was a Werewolf male standing behind the woman, fisting his cock as he trailed a leather flail down the woman’s spine. Her hands were bound behind her back and there was…

Oh my god…an anal plug in her ass…

My hips pulsed a little, and I felt my breath stutter.

“No, my dove,” my lord’s hand grasped the back of my neck, “don’t even try to stimulate yourself, not unless you ask and I will not give you permission yet.”

I was already so wet just from the few minutes of our interaction, and I knew things had barely gotten started. How in the world was I going to stop from touching myself?

The woman on her knees now had the Gargoyle’s dick in her mouth, though she couldn’t even take half of it. The Gargoyle had his hand fisted in her brown hair and was fucking her mouth, grinning down at her.

“You’re such a filthy girl,” he said.

I startled at the sound and then jumped gain when my lord’s hot breath grazed my ear.

“Speakers, so you can hear them. If you don’t like it, I can shut them off.”

“N-no, please. I do like them.”

“Good,” he nipped my jaw. “No, no. Keep your eyes open and on them.”

I did as he told me, still in awe that submitting came so easily. There was something about his voice that put me at ease, made me feel safe. Maybe it was just knowing that Cindy would never let me go with anyone that wasn’t safe, or maybe it was the fact that his voice and physique resembled…

No, don’t think of Drake. Even if I wish it really was him behind me.

I’d been half in love with my best friend since we were in high school. He was everything a good girls wasn’t supposed to want, and therefore, I did. But if something was going to happen between us, I was pretty sure it would have by now. Drake had always been protective of me, always said he cared about me, but it was never more than as a friend.

And he won’t even open up to me. These past few years, he’s been distant. Besides, he’s not a gorgeous Ephemeral, I think he’d at least tell me if he were. So this is just a stranger. And that’s as it should be.

The snap of the leather against the woman’s bare ass kept me from delving too deeply into my complicated feelings around my best friend. Her throaty moan came through the speakers, as did the laughter of the Werewolf.

“Our little cum slut enjoys being whipped while she sucks cock.”

The Gargoyle’s laugh was deep, menacing.

“You like that little human?”

She moaned in response and the Gargoyle fucked her mouth even harder while the Werewolf let loose with the flail. His dick was brushing his belly with white streaks of pre-cum, the knot at the base obscenely large.

The Gargoyle took the woman’s mouth off him, a long trail of saliva strung between them and her chin shiny with it. She stared up adoringly with dazed eyes. The Werewolf massaged her ass, and then started to work the anal plug back and forth into her.

“You know what we want,” the Gargoyle growled.

The woman whimpered.


My body was throbbing with heat as I watched them untie her hands and then stretch her out spread eagle on the floor. The Werewolf knelt at the apex of her thighs and his long tongue licked her pussy like he was slurping up cream from a dish.

The woman’s cries of ecstasy made me dig my fingertips into the tops of my thighs and squirm even though I tried desperately not to.

“Please,” I said at the same time the woman did.

“What do you want, little dove?” my lord’s voice was rough.

And when I glanced back, his gaze reflected the same hunger as mine.

“Please touch me.”

His grin was slow, delighted, and it sent a shiver down my spine. I’d just asked the Devil himself to give me this, and he was going to enjoy every second.

“Come here,” he ordered, patting his lap.

I jumped up and straddled him eagerly, but he shook his head.

“Turn around so you can still watch, the best is yet to come.”

I did, my back against the left side of his upper body as he positioned one leg on the outside of his left thigh and pulled the other open.

“Now,” his lips were against my ear as his fingers played with the sensitive flesh just on the outside of my vulva, “watch them split her in half.”

He chuckled at the idea and I gasped at the slow, soft way he was beginning to play with me.

While the Werewolf riled the woman to a loud orgasm, Master hooked his finger into my thong and tore the crotch out. Then, so slowly that I felt every single atom on his skin, he dragged his finger from my taint, up through my pussy lips and to my aching clit.

“Don’t come until I tell you,” he said, lips against my jaw.

“Yes, Master.”

I didn’t recognize my voice, the way my body was so pliable in his hands.

Who was this wanton creature? It certainly wasn’t me, was it?

He pressed light, open-mouthed kisses to my neck as his fingers skated so slowly through my drenched folds. He was like a musician, playing his new instrument so carefully but with the exquisite skill of a master. Except for that first pass, he avoided my clit, preferring instead to tease me by caressing every other part of my pussy.

The Werewolf was now lifting the woman in the scene up and placed her on the Gargoyle’s lap in a mirror of me. I didn’t know if she could see me or not, but it felt like she was looking at us, getting off as much on what my lord was doing to me as what the Gargoyle was to her.

I wasn’t sure what the Gargoyle was doing until the woman’s eyes grew wide and she let out a high-pitched squeak.

“She likes it,” my lord breathed on me, his other hand doing something to my neglige. “Would you like my cock in your ass someday?”

I undulated in response and was delighted to feel the hard, long length of him against my ass.

“Yes,” I moved again and dragged a groan out of his throat. “I would love that.”

The hand at my cunt reared back, and he delivered a sharp slap. I yelped, the sting painful for a second, and then a rush of desire hit me.

He did it again and again and I arched my back, desperate for something.

“You like the pain? Gods below, you are a gift…” the top of my neglige fell, revealing my heavy breasts. “My gift…mine…I won’t share you.”

And he dipped his head down, taking one stiff peak between his teeth and biting it. I yelled and threaded my fingers through his hair.

“Please…please,” my hips were bucking as he drew my nipple deeper into his mouth. “Please Master…I need…I need…”

I screamed when he plunged two fingers into my tight channel. He released my nipple only to clamp down on the side of my breast with his incisors. The rush of pain differed from the slap. It was sharper, more primal, and I had the sense of being fucked by a carnal beast and not anything close to a man.

It should’ve been terrifying. But instead, a switch in my brain clicked, and I drifted away, consumed by the unhinged desire to be at his mercy. I wanted more. More of his biting, more of his growls. I wanted to be his plaything, to use and devour as he saw fit.

The three in the scene were grunting and groaning, the woman whimpering and screaming as the Gargoyle penetrated her ass and the Werewolf drove into her cunt. They were indeed splitting her in half, but she threw her head back against the Gargoyle’s shoulder in ecstasy, her eyes glassy and smile drugged.

And I knew exactly how she felt.

Master let my breast go, only to bite my shoulder now, his hips thrusting up as I ground my ass down. His cock strained his pants, and I wanted it freed so badly but I was to overcome with what he was doing to me to make my hands move to his pants.

His palm pressed against my clit while his fingers plunged into me, his mouth licking and sucking at my skin.

“You’re mine,” he growled, so low, so animal like. “Say it!”

“Yours Master.”

“Not ‘Master’ say….Say…”

I turned my head and looked at him for the first time since crawling up onto his lap. Gone was the domineering, powerful Ephemeral. This was a starving, savage beast lost in the haze of possessive passion. He would tear apart everyone except me. I knew it in my bones as he held me tight and yet gentle.

My fingers ran along his jaw, and he closed his eyes on a low moan.

“Kiss me?” I whispered.

He hesitated before slamming his lips to mine. I tasted the iron of my blood on the tongue he forced into my mouth, but it did not bother me. I drank it all down, every ounce of his longing and brutality. I was so overwhelmed by his kiss that I didn’t notice the way he was winding me up, higher and higher until I broke the kiss off with a cry .

“I’m…I’m …”

“Do it…let me see you come on my fingers.”

Every thing shattered around me as a rush of wet came from me and stars bloomed behind my eyes. My toes curled and my back bowed as it kept going in wave after wave of pleasure so intense that I wondered if I’d ever come down from it.

I was vaguely aware of wet at my back and my lord speaking in broken syllables against my skin. But everything was hazy, unreal.

It was a few moments later that I realized I heard nothing from beyond the glass. When I could open my eyes and focus on something, the three from the scene were gone.

I laid against him, our chests heaving like we’d been running, bodies wet with sweat and cum, but I didn’t care. My limbs were so relaxed I doubted I could move them if I wanted to. And I did not want to lose my contact with this male. I knew that our time was drawing to an end, there was no reason to remain. So I would draw out these last few moments as long as possible.

It was then, just as my mind started to clear from the fog, that a sudden tremble wracked my body, causing my teeth to chatter.

“Oh, shit,” he said. “You’re coming down from the adrenaline. It’s ok, I have you.”

He scooped me up and carried me a large pile of cushions in the corner. I thought he might leave me and tears sprang to my eyes at the thought when he slid in next to me and brought a soft blanket up over us. My back was to his front, the little spoon, and I threaded my fingers through his.

“H-how long d-does it last?” I asked, shaking in earnest now.

“It varies for everyone, but I’m here. I’ll help you through it. It’s normal, I swear.”

I nodded, focusing on the warmth at my back, the way his breath felt in my hair, the gentle way he was holding me.

“You did so good,” he whispered, “you’re a natural. I’m sorry if I bit you too hard.”

“N-no…I l-liked it.”

He chuckled, and it was so familiar I almost turned around, expecting to see Drake.

“You liked it, huh? Well, that seals it then.”

“I’m yours?”

He stilled behind me, and my heart stopped beating.

“I shouldn’t have said that. I got caught up and I’m sorry.”

“I didn’t mind. I thought it was all part of the scene.”

He said nothing for an endless moment, and then he slowly pulled away, tucking the blanket around me.

“Stay in bed for a few more minutes,” the distance was back in his voice, somehow hurting far worse than anything he did to me in the scene. “I’m going in to the bathroom and then I’ll get you some water. We can…talk.”

I forced myself to smile and glanced back, but he was already moving toward the bathroom door. When it clicked shut, I let the tears fall. I wasn’t sure if this was part of the adrenaline crash or if it was the disappointment and embarrassment at being rejected. But whatever the reason, when I was done, I felt well enough to sit up. I slipped the expensive mask off and set it carefully on the bedside table. Then I slowly swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up.

I needed to pee and then tell him it was really okay if it was all part of the scene. He should know that this was the best night of my life and I wanted to thank him for making my first experience so wonderful.

I knocked on the door, the water running on the other side.

“I just need to pee,” I said, “and to…to let you know that this was wonderful. Thank you. I-I dont know how this works but I’d like to do another scene with you.”

I thought I heard a sigh on the other side of the door and cringed.

“Or not. I understand if you’d rather not.”

“It’s not that, I–“

He opened the door and stared down at me. At first, I was confused because he was looking at me like I was a ghost, and then I realized he wasn’t wearing his mask either and he looked like…

“Drake…” I whispered and backed up. “No, that… you’re not…Drake?”

Drake was an Ephemeral?

Drake was…he’d been…

He swallowed, the column of his strong throat working and the fact that it was as sexy as it always was pissed me right off.


I lunged at him and slapped him solidly on his chest since I wasn’t tall enough to reach his face.


I was babbling, unable to make my mind form a coherent sentence. All I knew was that spark of anger was fast growing into an inferno. Coupled with an intense desire for the floor to open up and swallow me and I was going off pure instinct.

“I didn’t know it was you,” Drake said, grabbing my wrists. “I swear I didn’t recognize you! I never would’ve done this if I’d known.”

He should’ve punched me in the stomach, it would’ve hurt a hell of a lot less.

“Oh, that’s great! I’m sorry that I’m just a big fucking regret for you now.”

“That’s not what I meant!”

He had replaced his pants with sweats that were riding low on his hips and making it hard to focus on being angry at him, especially since I could see the outline of his dick very clearly and it was getting hard again.

Probably changed because he’d come in his pants while I was writhing around on top of him. Oh god, I was…

And that’s when I realized my breasts were still hanging out of the top of my lingerie, and that I had no crotch in my thong. I was basically naked in front of my best friend and the male I’d fantasized about since I was sixteen.

I ripped my hands out of his and screeched as I ran around him into the bathroom and slammed the door, locking it before sliding down and falling on my ass.

“Please Lily, open up,” Drake begged on the other side. “We need to talk about this.”

“No, we don’t!” tears coursed hot and mortifying down my cheeks.

This had been the best night of my life. I believed that something new had opened up for me, a door that I had always known I was meant to walk through. I thought maybe he could teach me, guide me and now…

I buried my face in my hands as every single second of what we’d done came careening through my mind.

He’d fingered me to the best orgasm of my life, he’d dirty talked me, told me I was his, came in his fucking pants because of me. It was everything I’d ever wanted with Drake, and I got it. Just not how I’d wanted.

“Go away!” I screamed through my sobs. “I don’t want to see you!”

Drake swore on the other side of the door and I heard him moving around, slamming drawers as I sat on the cold linoleum and sobbed.

“I left some clothes on the bed for you, a protein bar and a bottle of water,” he said.

“I don’t’ want anything from you!”

“Well, too bad, aftercare is important! I’ll see you tomorrow and we will talk about this.”

“Like hell we will.”

I waited until I heard the door close and then opened the bathroom door.

The room was empty and cold. A pair of soft sweats and a hoodie were on the bed with the protein bar and water he’d promised. The room smelled like what we’d done, but it also smelled like Drake’s spicy aftershave he always used. It made my throat tighten and more tears fell. I hated those tears, hated that he had the power to make me feel this way.

I knew he’d been keeping things from me, but that he was an Ephemeral wasn’t remotely one of the possibilities I’d considered.

Why couldn’t he trust me with this?

I believed him when he’d said that he didn’t know it was me, but did he have any inkling that something was familiar, like I did with him? Or was I simply too boring, too innocent for him to suspect that I would want this?

We would never be the same after tonight. There was no way we could go back to being just friends, no way that I could look at him and not remember the feel of his mouth on mine, the way he’d played my body like a fine instrument.

And I didn’t want to forget. That was part of the problem, even as furious and embarrassed as I was.

I wanted him to want this to be something more than just two friends who accidentally fucked each other. I wanted him to fulfill those words he’d spoken in the heat of the moment.

I wanted to be his.


Chapter Three


Lily hadn’t showed up for brunch. Not that I really expected her to, and I was relieved that she hadn’t. This wasn’t a discussion I wanted to have in public.

The moment I’d stared down at her beautiful face in that playroom, my entire world collapsed and became clear all at once.

There was a reason my scene with her was so intimate that it had awakened my mating impulse.

It was because it was her. The one woman I’d never put on a mask with, the one woman who knew me, even if I had hidden some key things from her. But no other person I’d ever been with had known me like Lily, and so it had never been as intimate as it was with her last night.

But the horror on her face, the clear feeling of betrayal in her tear-filled eyes…
That had killed me.

I wanted to explain, to make it better somehow. But she’d shut me out, and I had no choice but to give her space, even though every step that took me away from her was a knife to my heart. Instead of returning to the floor, I went straight to my office and ordered her an escort from the room and a car home. Then I’d paced and drank until Sapphire came to find me drunk and staring at the floor.

I don’t remember going home, but I was very grateful that Ephemerals rarely experienced hangovers. When I woke this morning, I only had a slight headache and all I could think of was Lily. I checked to make sure she’d been dropped off at home, and then set up a guard for her, ordering the Gargoyle to be discreet.

She’d always been at risk for retaliation from my family’s enemies. Just being my friend came with risk. But if anyone saw us at the club last night, she’d definitely have a target on her.

Even though the guard said he didn’t see any movement at her apartment building, I had gone to brunch on the off chance she’d be there. The last thing I needed was for her to feel stood up. I’d waited an hour and ended up ordering her favorite to go. Which was why I now climbed the stairs to the apartment she was renting in the building I owned, a renovated older building in down Seattle that had a service elevator but otherwise was an old style walk up.

I stopped in front of her door, the food heavy in my hands and my pulse choking me.
I had personally overseen the murder of dozens of rival men and women, had torched businesses of sadistic mob bosses to push them out of our territories. I’d authorized the torture of traffickers and had faced death more times than I could count.

But it was this encounter that truly terrified me.

What if she wouldn’t open up? What if she never wanted to see me again? What if…
I swallowed and knocked.

The wait was likely only a few seconds, but it felt eternal.

When she opened, relief hit me so strongly I let out a long breath. I was wearing my Mundane glamour and when Lily saw it, she frowned deeply.

“So, you’re back to hiding?”

“I can’t show my Ephemeral side around others,” I said, my voice far more rough than I intended. “Please, can I come in? I brought you Egg Benedict.”

Her eyes darted to the bag and her little pink tongue slipped out to lick her lips. I had to bite back a groan, remembering how she’d wanted to wrap those lips around me last night.

I’d come so hard in my pants that I’d seen stars. What the hell would it be like to sink inside her?

No, I can’t think about that. I have no idea what Lily wants, and I won’t make her feel uncomfortable. Or any more uncomfortable than she already does anyway.

“You went to brunch?” she asked, opening the door a little wider.

She was wearing pajama pants with little cats wearing mermaid tails and an oversized shirt with a quote from Dolly Parton. It was as much Lily as last night’s costume and it was that beautiful dichotomy that I loved so much. The sexy innocent angel and the take no shit, give no fucks woman who proudly wore mermaid cat lounge pants.

“In case you did, yeah. Can I…Please Lily, can we talk?”

She swallowed and a flush rose on her beautiful brown skin.

“Yeah,” she said after a minute, “I guess we should.”

She stepped back from the door and I walked in, taking off my shoes and following her to the kitchen. We moved around one another seamlessly as we set out plates, silver ware and coffee. When the food was out, we sat across from one another at her small table and pretended like we were interested in the seventy-dollar brunch.

I’d had a script all worked out in my head before I walked into the building. But as I sat there, trying not to notice how she picked at her favorite breakfast, it all flew right out of my head.

“So,” I said, clearing my throat.

“Did you know? I mean, I know you said you didn’t but…did you really not know it was me?”

“I didn’t.”

Lily deflated a little.

“So I could’ve just been anyone and it would’ve been that way?”

“No,” I said firmly. “No that was…Lily, I’ve been with a lot of people, done a lot of scenes. And it’s never, ever been like that.”

Her chest rose and fell fast, that lovely flush spreading and deepening. If she’d been alluring last night, Lily was even more tempting now.

But instead of following my instincts, which would have me get up and lead her into the bedroom. I sat there, holding onto my self control by my finger nails.

“I know about your secret,” she whispered, looking up at me through her lashes, “so you don’t need to hide any more. Unless you don’t want to.”

I hadn’t realized my glamour was still up, the habit was deeply ingrained. But I didn’t want to hide anymore, not from Lily. In fact, I wanted to lay out everything to her, my entire dark life. But I wasn’t sure that was the way to proceed right now. We had to get past the shock of last night first. And then I’d tell her.

So I dropped my glamour and saw her lips part, eyes shine as she took me in. She liked my true form, it aroused her. I could smell it, practically taste her on my tongue. My tail twitched at the thought of her soft skin, of teasing her wet nether lips.

“You like this,” I said, letting my voice be as low as it naturally was.

“I…I like knowing the real you,” she said, looking down at her cold breakfast and shoving a bite into her mouth.

She was trying to hide what my true form did to her. And it was adorable, enticing in ways she couldn’t possibly know. It made me want to seduce her, tempt her until she was begging me to relieve her aching pussy. But that wouldn’t solve the rift between us, and I had to do that before I could explore whether Lily wanted something more.

“And I liked that side of you last night,” I said, deciding to turn directly into the elephant in the room.

Her flush deepened and she fidgeted with her fork.

“How long have you been interested in kink?” I asked.

Lily shrugged, the over sized shirt sliding off one elegant shoulder.

“A few years. I had a room mate who was a sub professionally. She would talk about it sometimes and I asked a lot of questions, read some books she recommended. But I was always too shy to ask her to teach me. Then I heard about the amateur night at the club from the friend that brought me, and I just decided it was time.”

I swallowed, realizing that the secrets I’d kept that had created distance between us had cost me the chance to know about Lily’s growing interest in kink. And it could’ve cost me the chance to initiate her into it, too.

“Would you ever…” I cleared my throat of the lust clogging it up and tried to sound unaffected. “Would you ever consider letting me teach you?”

“Why would you want that?” she breathed.

Here it was. My chance to lay everything out in front of her. All the feelings I’d kept such a tight leash on that I hadn’t even realized how they’d been growing. And the words became lodged in my throat, burning and demanding release.

What if she doesn’t want anything more than a teacher?
What if she finds out about the rest of me and decides that it’s just too much?

She didn’t balk at my true form. I need to trust her.

But when I finally spoke, I found myself spewing everything except the truth, and I couldn’t seem to stop.

“I don’t want anyone else teaching you. There are people who will take advantage and I…I want to make sure you’re safe. And…well, if I’m being honest, I like the idea of being with you. I think knowing each other as well as we do would make the Dom/sub scenes more intense, easier to find trust.”

She gave a slow nod, a frown crinkling the skin just above her nose.

“Is that all?” Lily asked.

I swallowed, knowing that it wasn’t. In fact, I’d borderline lied to her again. I didn’t want anyone else to teach her, but not just because I wanted her safe. I loathed the idea of anyone else touching her, knowing her taste, hearing her moans. Those were mine, and I meant to keep them.

But the thought of telling her that, of ripping back the last of the masks I wore, letting her know how vulnerable she made me and how I felt about her…it was the most terrifying thing I’d ever considered doing.

I just need a little time. And I need to make sure no one else has her during that time.

“I just think that you’re going to want someone you know,” I said, my tail twitching behind me. “You’ve never been the casual sex type. Although scenes don’t have to end in sex but someone might pressure you and I just want to protect you.”

“You said that already.”

“Well, that’s how important it is to me.”

“I see,” she replied, her eyes scoring my insides.

I swore she could see right through me to the cowardly spine at my back. The longer she stared at me, as if waiting for more, for me to have the courage to be honest, the more I wanted to sink into the floor.

No one else could reduce me like this. And it wasn’t out of spite or cruelty, it was just the way Lily had always been with me. All my usual powers of charm or seduction were useless on her. She was the one person that demanded honesty from me, and the only one I’d ever been terrified to give it to.

I was about to expound more on how safe she’d be with me, how good the arrangement could be when she spoke.


How could one word have such power? It froze me, heart thudding so hard in my chest that I swore it was trying to escape through my rib cage.


“No, I don’t want you to teach me.”

My hands clenched into fists and I jumped to my feet, pacing away from her. She would find someone else and they’d have their hands on her, their mouth, their cock or pussy. They’d hear her moans and make her wet.

Images of her with others assaulted me in quick succession until I was shaking with rage at the imaginary faces.

“Why not?” I demanded, suddenly so angry that I swore flames were leaping around the edges of my vision.

She gaped at me, eyes lighting up with fire that I knew well.

Lily ran at me, shoving her finger in my chest.

“You were the one who kept secrets from me and all of a sudden you’re talking about wanting to teach me. And when I ask you why, you give me more bullshit! I’m not going to do this anymore. You’ve been lying to me for years, keeping yourself from me, and if you’re not going to be honest with me, then I’m not going to put myself in a position to be vulnerable with you!”

“You know me. You know that it’s hard for me to talk about deep shit! So yeah, I would think you’d know that if I’m talking about being with you like that then — .”

“No,” she said through clenched teeth, “I am not playing this game with you. I used to drive myself crazy trying to see signs in every little thing you did or said. And I’d end up broken-hearted every single time when you’d show up at school or my house with someone else on your arm. I promised myself I’d never do that again. So if there’s more to your reasons than what you’ve already said, then say it. Otherwise, get the fuck out of my apartment.”

The words were right there on my tongue. Lily had demanded them, had just told me she’d wanted me for about as long as I’d wanted her. So why couldn’t I say them?

Lily gave a grunt of pure frustration and threw her hands up.

“Get out Drake.”

“Wait, I—.”

“Out! Until you can tell me what you want, all of what you want, then I don’t want to hear from you.”

She turned me around and shoved. And while I was stronger than her, I wasn’t about to stay in a woman’s house when I wasn’t welcome. I let her push me to the door, my heart shredded in my chest.

I turned around when I was past the threshold, wanting to ask her for a little time, when I saw the tears running down her lovely face, the utter devastation my silence had wrought.


“I want you,” she whispered. “I always have. But I won’t let you toy with me. I’m not the kind of girl that can be your plaything. When…if you want more than that, and if you can tell me, you know where to find me.”

And she closed the door in my face.


I made it back to my office at the club in a complete daze.

Had I really been offered exactly what I’d yearned for all this time and then not done the one, simple thing that she’d asked?

I stared at the wall of my office, going over the conversation, imagining myself making different choices and knowing that it was a fool’s exercise.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” asked Sapphire behind me, their voice playful.

I didn’t even turn around, though I doubted I could.

“Drake? What is wrong?”

Sapphire’s tone changed, knowing that this was not normal in the least and that very little rattled me to this extent. They turned me around slowly and when I looked up, I must’ve appeared devastated because they guided me with extreme gentleness to a seat. A glass of bourbon was then pressed into my hand and I didn’t even drink it.

“What happened?” they asked again.

“I fucked it up,” my voice rasped, and I took a deep pull from the glass. “I didn’t tell her what I should’ve, didn’t trust her to accept all of me and I…I fucked it up.”

I told Sapphire everything.

My friendship with Lily, what it meant to me. The fact that Lily didn’t know my life because I’d been so afraid and even now, when she knew most of my secrets, I was terrified of her rejection. In spite of her proclamation that she wanted me.

“Being an Ephemeral…that’s something people can accept because it’s a kink or exotic. But a fucking crime boss?” I shook my head and drained the glass. “I’ve killed people in cold blood, tortured them for information, wiped out families for their territory. If she knew…she would never look at me the same.”

Sapphire didn’t say anything at first, just refilled my glass and frowned, deep in thought.
“Either way, you lose her,” they said. “If you don’t let her in, she walks. And maybe, if you tell her, she walks, maybe not. I’d say the risk is worth it in that case.”

I snorted and shook my head.

“Very succinct.”

“And true. But ultimately it’s about what you can live with. Can you live with never knowing? I don’t think you can. I’ve never seen you this shook, which means if you don’t give her the chance to make that decision…Well, I’m a little afraid of what will happen.”

It was the most deep, honest conversation about our ‘feelings’ that we’d ever had.

Sapphire wasn’t the type to want such conversations, and I was fine with that. We knew each other, but we didn’t talk about it.

Until now. And I was reminded about why they were my business partner. No one, except Lily, had the ability to get to the core of me and not flinch.

Lily never once flinched at my dark parts, even growing up when I was a little shit. And to reduce her attraction to my monstrous side as a mere kink…what an insult.

I set the glass on the desk as a plan took quick form in my mind.

“You’re right,” I said.

“I know.”

I chuckled at that and grabbed my phone.

“I need you to make sure no one is here early. In fact, send out word that we are opening late tonight.”

They gave me a crooked smile and saluted.

“You got it, boss.”

“And Sapphire? Thank you.”

“Any time.”

My fingers shook as I dialed the florist and placed the order. Then my favorite lingerie shop. And then next, my driver. I couldn’t blame Lily if she didn’t want to accept any of these things. But I hoped she at least read the notes I was sending.

When I was finished, I went to my personal play room and prepared. Tonight was either going to be the beginning of a new part of my life, full of color and passion. Or it would devastate me. I hoped like hell it was the former.


Chapter Four


”I’m sorry. I was an idiot and I should’ve told you the truth. I’m ready to do that if you’ll meet me at the club in two hours.”

I held the note in my hand, shaking as I walked past the lobby of the club and into the main room. It was eerily quiet for a place that was throbbing with life and noise only last night. The long coat I wore to hide the lingerie set that Drake had sent was starting to make me sweat, but I didn’t move to take it off. I didn’t want to give Drake the wrong idea if this didn’t go as I’d hoped.

His notes all said pretty much the same things, and the presents only made me all the more curious to come here tonight. In addition, to the largest bouquet of roses I’d ever seen, Drake had sent a gorgeous confection of white and black lace with the simple request that I wear it tonight. Then there was the pretty collar that I had in my pocket, the additional sets of lingerie, champagne and all my favorite flavors of ice cream.

He’d even managed to somehow convince a local boutique to bring over half a dozen comfy fleece pants with various funny patterns of cats and unicorns.

I finally texted him after that one and told him no more gifts. It was starting to get a little ridiculous.

The supernatural person that had been at the bar when I’d been here last night walked up to me and smiled as I neared the doorway that led to the wide, red carpeted staircase.

“Drake is waiting for you in his personal room. Up the stairs, to the right, last door at the end of the hall. Just knock.”

I nodded, letting out a long, nervous breath.

“Hey,” they said, “just hear him out. I think he’s more scared than you are right now.”
“Not possible,” I blurted out.

They chuckled at that and walked through a door behind me, leaving me alone.

It felt like every step I took up the stairs, and down the hall, was momentous, as if I were crossing a line the closer I got to the door. When I finally did, my hand hovered above the black surface. When I knocked, he would answer, and then there was no going back.

There’s no going back now. If I knock, we might just become something more. Something we might have always meant to be.

My knuckles had barely connected with the door when it was yanked open and there stood Drake.

No glamour, just…him.

His beautiful red skin, the eyes so unlike and yet somehow also like the ones I’d looked into most of my life.

His full lips were tense, jaw clenched.

“Hi,” I breathed, unable to stop myself from being affected by his beauty.

“You came,” he said, shoulders falling as he smiled. “Come in, sorry I just…I’m so glad you came.”

I nodded, clutching the lapels of my coat tight as I stepped into a beautiful bed room.
Or at least that’s what I thought it was at first with the enormous bed, the frame a simple black and the duvet gold and black to match. A bathroom door was to the left of the bed and then, to the right and through a doorway, I glimpsed a beautiful spanking bench and a red cushion in front of a throne-like chair.

My mouth went dry at the sight, remembering last night, wondering if we would…

“I have some water or wine,” Drake said, his voice wavering in a way that shocked me.

Was he nervous?

I didn’t think I’d ever genuinely seen him nervous before and it made my body relax a bit. A smile stretch my lips. Sapphire had been right, Drake was scared.

“I’m fine,” I said.

“Do you want me to take your coat?”

“No,” I clutched it tighter. “I’m…at least not until you’ve said what you need to.”

He swallowed, eyes falling down my body slow, like a caress.

“Okay,” he said, though it was lower than his usual voice.

Drake paced in front of me, his tail twitching behind him. Finally, he stood still and faced me.

“I’m without my glamour.”

“I see that.”

“Well…yes…of course. What I mean is…I want you to know all of me.”

“Alright,” I said, a hitch of uncertainty inside of me.

“You know my family owns a shipping business. And that’s true, but it’s not all.”

He ran a hand over his face, took a huge breath, and I couldn’t help it. He was so scared and I couldn’t stand to see him this way.

“Hey,” I said, grabbing his hand, “it’s okay. Just tell me.”

He stared down at me, no masks, no hiding, and I saw a torrent of emotions. Fear. But also, passion, longing. And it was for me.

I pressed my palm to his cheek.

“I have known you my whole life practically,” I said, “and I’ve…I’ve cared for you most of that time. Whatever you have to say, just trust me.”

“It’s not…I’m not who you think I am. My family they’re…criminals, organized crime.”

I drew back, but I didn’t take my hand away. I searched his gaze and saw the pain there.

“I always wondered about your father and your uncles—”

“Not all of them were my uncles.”

“I figured, but…so, you’re in the mob?”

I felt ridiculous saying it out loud, and we both laughed, nerves thick in the sound.

“Yes,” he said, “we are. And while there are parts of it I hate, it’s my family, my life. I don’t date because it will put that person at risk, and I never told you because…well, I was afraid you’d never look at me the same.”

I should’ve been running. I could see that now. But I looked at him, the real him, and didn’t see a demon or a criminal. I just saw my best friend, and the man I’d been half in love with for so long that I couldn’t remember a time I wasn’t. Every single person I’d ever been with, I subconsciously compared to him, and they were all wanting.

“You’re still you,” I said. “Thank you for being honest with me.”

“So you’re not running?”

“No, I’m not.”

He pressed his forehead to mine and closed his eyes.

“I thought…I was so afraid of losing you.”

My hands framed his face, and I pressed my lips to his, our first kiss without masks.

He inhaled sharply, and then his mouth was hard on mine. I may have initiated it, but he took swift control, sucking my bottom lip into his mouth as his hands untied my coat so fast that it was off my shoulders before I could even grasp what was happening.

“I want you,” he whispered against my skin as he bit his way down my jaw and throat. “I want to be only yours, and you to be only mine. That’s why I asked to teach you. Because the thought of anyone else touching you, tasting you, making you moan makes me insane. Be mine…and I will only be yours.”

Perhaps I should’ve waited to think about all the things he’d kept from me, to really consider if I wanted to be a part of his life which was dangerous and full of dark corners. But all of that fell away and all that remained was Drake and how good it felt just to be with him, how right it was.

“Yes,” I breathed out and smiled, “yes, Drake. I think I’ve always been yours.”

He stepped back, eyes alight with passion and joy. When he ran his thumb roughly over my bottom lip, his gaze turning hard but not mean, my core lit up like a Christmas tree and I squeezed my thighs together.

The lingerie criss crossed my body in frothy white and black lace, leaving very little to the imagination. His finger tips coasted over my painfully erect nipples and I gasped at the friction of the lace. Before I could even register the way his other hand was cupping my sex, Drake ripped the lace down the middle with one sharp talon.

“I’ll buy you hundreds more,” he said darkly, “but right now, I need you.”

“Yes…god yes.”

“Get on the bed, open your legs like a good girl and show my how wet you are.”

The rest of the lingerie fell off me the second his hand fell away from my pussy, the cool air coasting over my bare skin. I was completely exposed, more than last night, and I had to see his face when he glimpsed me naked for the first time.

I glanced over my shoulder, putting on my very best coquettish grin and was brought up short. He was shirtless, pants unzipped, but he was frozen with his hands on the waist band. His grin was hungry, tongue pressed to one of his fangs as if to test its sharpness.

“Like what you see?”

“Get on the bed if you want me to let you come,” he growled.

And just like that, I was fucking soaked.

I did as he told me, getting to the center of the bed and laying down as he prowled to the foot.

“I told you to show me that wet pussy,” he said as he slid his pants down.

I opened my thighs, feet braced against the soft duvet. When his boxers hit the floor, Drake took himself in hand and the cock he held was breathtaking.

It was thicker than it was long, veined and redder than his body, though the foreskin was so dark it looked purple. The head of his dick was peeking out and a thick, syrupy substance was leaking from it.

“My pre cum is an aphrodisiac,” he rasped, pumping himself slowly, “I’ve been tested, and I very much want to fuck you bare.”

I swear a rush of wet flooded me at those words and my hands skirted down my body, clit throbbing and desperate for pressure.

“Do it,” he commanded, “touch that pussy, show me what a filthy little slut you are.”

“Oh my god,” I gasped, stroking myself.

“You like me calling you that?”


“I like it too. But I want to hear from you. Whose slut are you?”

“Yours. I’m your slut.”

“That’s right. And my slut doesn’t come until I tell her, you understand?”

I whimpered, so wound up so fast that my body was on fire.

“Your master asked you a question.” he slapped my calf hard enough to sting.

“I-I understand, master.”

“Good girl. Now, touch that pussy while you watch me. Don’t come until I tell you.”

I couldn’t look away from him even if I’d wanted to. He worked himself slow and purposeful, the pre cum dripping off his tip. I licked my lips at the thought of tasting him and he chuckled like he could read my mind. Maybe he could because he gathered it on his fingers and crawled slowly up to me on the bed.

“Open,” he commanded.

I did, and he stuffed his fingers deep inside. I sucked them clean, the pre cum tasting like a very hot candy. Drake groaned just before batting my fingers out of the way and plunging into me without warning.

My back bowed off the bed as he ground his palm into my clit and pumped his fingers inside me at a brutal pace. I started to wonder if the pre-cum might not work if it was ingested, when suddenly every single nerve ending in my body caught fire.

“Oh…oh Drake!” I keened.

“Not yet,” he said through grit teeth.

“Please,” I couldn’t help touching my breasts, and he hissed his displeasure.

“Your body is mine tonight you little slut, and just for that,” he slapped my pussy and I screamed at the exquisite pain.

“Please…please touch me.. everywhere,” I was babbling now, absolutely crazed for any kind of release.

But he just kept fingering me, his palm alternating between grinding down and hovering above.

“I like hearing you beg,” he chuckled, removing his fingers and sucking them clean. “Do it again.”

“Please Drake.”

He crawled above me, between my legs, and began to pump himself again.



“Please what? Be specific and I might just give you what you want.”

“Please fuck me…fuck me with your cock and come in my pussy.. fill me up and let me come, please!”

He stuffed his fingers in my mouth again, and I realized too late it was more of the aphrodisiac as the hot candy taste burst on my tongue.

I thought he might remove his fingers, but he didn’t. Instead, he lined himself up at my weeping entrance and began to run himself up and down my drenched slit.

I cried and bucked, trying to get the friction I needed, but he was always just out of reach.

I begged around his fingers, saliva dripping down my face and chin, tears joining it all. When he slid his fingers out, his cock was notched just inside of me and I whimpered.

“One more time. Who do you belong to?”

“You, I’m your little slut.”

“That’s right. And what do you want?” his voice was every dark fantasy I’d ever had and was too afraid to ask for, and it was also very much Drake.

“I want you to make me come so hard…make a mess of me, come inside of me, on me, just please, please let me come!”

He leaned forward and gave me a hard, bruising kiss just before he thrust into me to the hilt in one savage push.

We both filled the room with a harsh cry just before he pushed my legs up, knees all the way to my chest.

“I’m going to fuck this pussy so hard,” he began to do just that, our bodies slapping against one another, “fill you up so fucking full that you’re going to feel me for a week. Is that what you want?”


The orgasm hit me fast, my toes curling and my body tensing as wave after wave collapsed on top of me.

“Oh no, we’re not done yet,” he hissed.

Drake flipped me onto my stomach and then raised my ass in the air before fucking me from behind.

He reached up and gripped the head board with one hand, while the other gripped my shoulder. It was filthy and rough, and I reveled in it.

“Touch yourself,” he ordered, his voice rough and low. “I know your pussy isn’t satisfied yet.”

He was right, it wasn’t.

So I unashamedly worked my clit and another, merciless orgasm ripped me open.

“Oh fuck!” he yelled. “You milk me so good…your pussy is so fucking tight, so hot…”

His pace picked up, the thrusts so hard and fast that he was pushing me up the bed. I didn’t care, even as my head almost hit the board. I didn’t care about the bruises I’d have or how sore I’d be. I was as unhinged as he was, and though I screamed and cried out, it was only to encourage and beg him for more.

Just as an insane third orgasm completely wrecked me, Drake’s thrusts became erratic, and he gave a roar as he stilled inside of me, sheathed to the hilt. A moment later, I was vaguely aware of hot cum lashing my insides and I sobbed as either my orgasm continued or a brand new one struck.

By now, I was so over sensitized that I was shaking and weeping, incoherent words spilling out of my mouth.

I was eventually aware of Drake pressing soft kisses to my spine, his hands stroking down my sides and his voice crooning low.

“You did so well…you’re so beautiful…thank you…oh Lily, you’re incredible.”

I don’t know how I had the energy to look over my shoulder and smiled but I did just before the tremors started.

Drake pulled out and covered me in a soft blanket before spooning behind me and holding me through the comedown of the adrenaline.

We laid like that for a little while until my stomach gave a gurgle and he pressed his palm there.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

“I’m wonderful. Will it always be like that? Or will I get used to your aphrodisiac?”

He didn’t answer right away. When he did, his voice was so soft and gentle it made my skin tingle.

“I don’t know. I’ve never been with anyone bare and I rarely let anyone give me oral that doesn’t know about my.. special equipment.”

I looked over my shoulder and kissed him, overcome by the gift he’d given me.

“I’m yours,” I whispered.

“And I’m yours, my sweet, filthy little Mundane.”

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