Romance Author
Days Until The Next Alien Romance Book Launches
The Woman Behind
the Smut
Even as a little girl, Trish always believed that any story could be made better with some kissing…or a lot of kissing. Deciding to take the plunge into romance was like rediscovering a part of herself that she’d not seen in years. And once that genie was out of the bottle, Trish embraced it with a no holds barred kind of passion. Experimenting with angelic-human hybrids in her Silver City Series, diving head first into Monster Romance and soon to be going where many a smutty author has gone before, Sci Fi Romance, Trish has rarely met a trope she didn’t like! Mixing her love of strong women, adventure, and all things geeky with an unapologetic excitement for the naughtier side of steamy romance, Trish is constantly pushing herself in her writing.
When she’s not chained to her laptop creating the smutty worlds we all adore, she can be found curled up with a good book, playing a board game with her kids or binge watching Lucifer…Again.
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